Welcome to Dernancourt Uniting Church.

We are a diverse, vibrant community committed to service and making Christ known. We have a heart for people of all ages and hope that this will be your experience of our church family.

Our worship services mix contemporary and traditional styles and are held weekly on Sunday at 10am. Holy Communion is held during the service on the first Sunday of every month. Activities are held for school-aged children and a creche is available for toddlers and babies.

We also run regular activities during the week and hold special events throughout the year. Our church office is open weekly on Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 12noon.




Children of all ages are encouraged to attend and be actively involved in our regular Sunday morning worship services. Children’s activities aimed at growing faith are held during the latter part of the worship service.



Bus Stop 30+2 is an op shop run by Dernancourt Uniting Church. Located on the corner of Lyons Road and Sutherland Avenue in Holden Hill, the shop is open from Monday to Thursday, 9.30am to 4pm.

Other activities

Friendship and Craft: Our Friendship and Craft Group meet from 9.30am on Tuesdays during school terms.

Weddings and baptisms: Our church is able to offer facilities and assistance for weddings and baptisms.

For more information about any of these activities, please contact the Church Office.



Get in touch with us…

Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday, 10am-12noon
Phone Number: (08) 8369 0802
Email Address: office@dernancourt.ucasa.org.au

Church Street Address: Corner Vingara Drive and Balmoral Road, Dernancourt, South Australia
Church Postal Address: 1 Vingara Drive, Dernancourt, South Australia 5075

Additional Information

While we consider all of our members to be ministers of the church, the following are those who have taken on particular leadership roles.

Ordained Minister: Pastor Montaz Ali 0490 508 578

Administration: Ron Kelly on 8369 0802 (Church office) or email office@dernancourt.ucasa.org.au

Church Council Chairperson: Jane Anderson

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